Mahadev Eye Care Examination

Glaucoma treatment focuses on lowering the intraocular pressure of the eyes caused by fluid buildup. There are glaucoma medications that can help lower intraocular pressure. But what if the body either stops responding to these medications or the patient has reached the maximum dosage? In these cases, glaucoma surgery is typically the next step patients take.

There are many types of glaucoma surgery, and knowing what to expect after glaucoma surgery will depend on which surgery is performed. The three glaucoma surgeries outlined here —selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT), Trabeculectomy, and shunts/implants — are some of the most common. Note that many patients with glaucoma and cataracts opt to have both surgeries at the same time.

eye care Ahmedabad

What are the different types of glaucoma surgery?

  • Selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) is, as its name suggests, laser treatment for glaucoma, during which an ophthalmologist creates very small holes to relieve pressure with a laser aimed where the cornea and iris come together. Some patients worry: “Is the SLT surgery painful?” While having a laser pointed at your eye might sound scary, most SLT recipients report little to no discomfort during or after the surgery.
  • During a trabeculectomy, an ophthalmologist creates a very small surgical incision to help drain the fluid and decrease the intraocular pressure. The results of this procedure tend to be more permanent than SLT.
  • In this option, shunts or implants are surgically inserted into the eye. Once completed, these surgeries — including the iStent glaucoma and cataract surgery — allow for the shunt or implant to replace the eye’s damaged draining system, reducing intraocular pressure.
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